Monday, November 2, 2015

The truth hurts

What you are looking at is 60 needles that were filled with a medication to prevent blood clots, called Lovenox. Every 12 hours since I got my Gastric Sleeve surgery, I have had to inject this into my stomach due to the fact that I am morbidly obese. It wasn't something I was prepared for before having surgery...and honestly it's a good thing they didn't tell me! Needles have always been my #1 BIGGEST fear! Ironically enough, public speaking of any kind was #2 and I conquered that this year too :)

You see, I was outraged about having to do this horrendous thing every 12 hours for a whole month!!!!!! I wish I could say I never complained, but that would be a lie. It took me several minutes each time just to get up the nerve to actually do it. And then came the burn... it was awful.

Somewhere along the line, I began to realize that no one was "making" me do this. I did this to myself! How fitting that I literally had to do the thing which I feared the most as a means to really drive the point home. I had blindly allowed myself to get to the point that my health was nowhere to be found on my list of priorities. I was burying myself in my own body.

I can be quite stubborn. Shocking, I know. I had become delusional enough to believe that I could continue on the way I was and that I could do everything a "normal" person could do.

I think I NEEDED these shots as a sort of "truth serum". I will never go back to where I was.

I am so grateful that God cares enough about us that He is willing to go to endless lengths to wake us up <3

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